William J. Jenkins; Rose M. Spielman; Carla Zimmerman; and Marilyn D. Lovett

What is creativity? What are prejudice and discrimination? What is consciousness?

The field of psychology explores questions like these. refers to the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Psychologists use the scientific method to acquire knowledge. To apply the scientific method, a researcher with a question about how or why something happens will propose a tentative explanation, called a , to explain the phenomenon. A hypothesis should fit into the context of a scientific theory, which is a broad explanation or group of explanations for some aspect of the natural world that is consistently supported by evidence over time. A is the best understanding we have of that part of the natural world. The researcher then makes observations or carries out an experiment to test the validity of the hypothesis. Those results are then published or presented at research conferences so that others can replicate or build on the results.

Scientists test that which is perceivable and measurable. For example, the hypothesis that a bird sings because it is happy is not a hypothesis that can be tested since we have no way to measure the happiness of a bird. We must ask a different question, perhaps about the brain state of the bird, since this can be measured. However, we can ask individuals about whether they sing because they are happy since they are able to tell us. Thus, psychological science is empirical, based on measurable data.

In general, science deals only with matter and energy, that is, those things that can be measured, and it cannot arrive at knowledge about values and morality. This is one reason why our scientific understanding of the mind is so limited, since thoughts, at least as we experience them, are neither matter nor energy. The scientific method is also a form of empiricism. An for acquiring knowledge is one based on observation, including experimentation, rather than a method based only on forms of logical argument or previous authorities.

The Goals of Psychology

Another way of thinking about the field of psychology is to think about its goals. Generally speaking, the goals of psychology as a science are to describe, predict, explain, and change behavior or experience. Let’s imagine a social psychologist who is interested in understanding how people respond to being ignored by others. Each of the four goals of psychology can be reflected in her work:

  • Describe – She might look at the experience of being left on read – how common is it? How do people feel afterwards?
  • Predict – She could test if the emotional response to being left on read is different when it’s a close friend versus an acquaintance to predict when it is most painful.
  • Explain – She might ask people to indicate what thoughts go through their heads when they are left on read by different people to see if the emotional response is caused by our different expectations for close friends vs acquaintances.
  • Change or Control – She might teach people to replace negative thoughts and explanations (“I guess we’re not that close”) with more neutral thoughts (“They’re probably just busy”) to see if it reduces the pain of being left on read.

As you learn about the different subfields of psychology in the next section, consider how each subfield might try to describe, predict, explain, and change different aspects of behavior and experience.


This section contains material by 1.1 What is Psychology (on OpenStax) by Rose M. Spielman, William J. Jenkins, Marilyn D. Lovett, and is used under a CC-BY 4.0 International license. The subsection “Goals of Psychology” was written by Carla Zimmerman.


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1.1 Introduction to the Field of Psychology by William J. Jenkins; Rose M. Spielman; Carla Zimmerman; and Marilyn D. Lovett is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.